When Does the Warranty on My Motorola Battery Expire?

When Does the Warranty on My Motorola Battery Expire?
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When Does the Warranty on My Motorola Battery Expire?

Many customers ask us how to know if your battery is covered under warranty. We hope this helps many of our great customers understand which batteries are currently under warranty.

Motorola has a great warranty for most of their batteries that states:

"Rechargeable Batteries will be replaced during the applicable warrant period if:

- the battery capacity falls below 80% of rated capacity, or

- the battery develops leakage."

How do you know if your battery is under warranty?

  • First look at the label on the battery and locate the 4 digit code.
  • The 4 digit code is a manufactured date of that battery. The first 2 digits represent the year that the battery was manufactured.
  • The second 2 digits represent the week within that year.
  • This battery was manufactured during the 14th week of 2013.
  • Take the manufactured date and add the warranty period that is provided with each battery to determine when your warranty expires.
how to check the warranty on your motorola batteryhow to check the warranty on your motorola battery